Summary Care Record (SCR) is an electronically held health record that can be accessed when you need urgent treatment from another health care professional other than your own GP. The record contains key information about medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions you have had in the past.
If you have an accident or fall ill, the people caring for you in places like accident and emergency departments and GP out of hour’s will be better equipped to treat you if they have this information. Your SCR will be available to authorised healthcare staff whenever and wherever you need treatment in England, and they will ask for your permission before they look at it.
Your GP is supporting SCR and as a patient you have a choice to either accept this arrangement or if you wish opt-out. You can change your decision at any time. To opt-out you need to complete an opt-out form and send it to your GP, otherwise the arrangement will apply where necessary and appropriate.
For further information contact the surgery.