Data Protection

Data Protection Act 1998

Your patient record is protected under the data protection act and the practice is registered under this legislation. This Practice have appointed Barry Jackson to be Data Protection Office (DPO), he is employed by N3i and can be contacted through their service desk on phone: 0300 002 0001 or email:

Who Has Access To Patient Information

We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can provide the best possible care.

We have a fully computerised medical record system which means information about your healthcare is held on a secure server. You have the right to know what information we hold about you. Please ask the receptionist if you wish to see or obtain a copy of your record. If you are referred to a hospital specialist you are also welcome to request a copy of the referral letter.

NHS Connecting for Health is currently developing the National Care Records Service, which will create a Summary Care Record (SCR) for each individual patient , to be held centrally. At this stage the record is limited to current medication, known allergies and adverse reactions.

Eventually the aim is to enable healthcare staff jointly involved in your care, such as your GP and your hospital consultant, to easily access and share information through this national record. You have the right to withdraw your consent to information being shared. In future you will be able to access your own record online at

NHS Sharing Information

Care Data, these arrangements are currently on in use Confidential information from your medical records can be used by other NHS organisations so we can provide the best possible care for everyone. Information along with your postcode and NHS number (but not your name) are sent to a secure system where it can be linked with other health care information. You have a choice – if your happy for your information to be used in this way you do not have to do anything or you can opt out of these arrangements by contacting the surgery.